Monday, November 3, 2008

Not a Halloween Baby!

So two years ago I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of a BOY!!! However, I went in for a doctors visit after my due date! Yes AFTER! It was October 30th and the doctor asked if I was ready to have a baby, today! You know at that point what lady would say NO! Well I did! I was not going to have a Halloween baby! He then asked when. I decided that November 1st would be great! You know when you hear November 1st you don't think Halloween baby right?

So here we are two years later saying

It has definitely been a rough two years. ( Boys are so different then girls!) But we have enjoyed him very much! He survived his first year, I didn't think that would happen! And he has not stopped talking since we took the bink! Here is to hoping we make it through the next few years!
Kage enjoyed his party and loved all his tractors! He even suckered Koleton into taking him and his lady for a ride!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


This was once what I would consider a pointless holiday! However, throw a few kids into the mix and it has a whole new meaning for me! It also provides me an opportunity to indulge in one of my secretly favorite quirks! (I love to dress up! All that know me may not have known that, but it is true!) We all decided to dress up as a superhero! We had such a fun time!

Kaysia was WONDER WOMAN!

Kage as Batman! (We had issues with him! He would not wear the full costume and would not pose for the camera!)

Keelie as SUPER GIRL!

We were ever so blessed this Halloween to have our friends, the Knights, come trick-or-treating with us! This was so fun! Something that we had not done before! Thanks Knight family!

Monday, October 6, 2008

It Rained, It poored, but nobody snored! (Except maybe you mom!)

All caution and common sense went out the window yesterday!

All summer long I have been complaining to Brett about the BIG pot holes in my drive way! (Yes for some of you city folk, they still make dirt roads and one of them leads to my house!) Needlless to say it now aproaching the wet season and I still have pot holes! It rained all day here on Saturday. Rain + pot holes = Big water puddles. Of course ,this is not the first time this has happened. I normally yell at the kids not to go near them. However, yesterday was different. I decided that I needed to teach the kids how to have some good ol' dirty fun!

I had the kids put on old cloths and snow boots and headed outside. The pictures tell the rest of the story!

Kage kept yelling "AWESOME"!

You know I think he was right, it was AWESOME!! Time well spent!

Canada Anyone?!!

So I returned home from a fabulous trip to Canada a week ago. I have been trying to figure out how I could chronicle my adventures on my blog all week. Then to my surprise I realized that I would not need to. My sister had already done it for me! She is a fantastic writer and VERY funny. After many attempt to cut and paste it to my blog I have given up. Instead please just go to my friends and family and click on CHRISTIN! You will be able to read about all our wonderful memories:)!! I hope you all laugh as much as I did reading it!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Man Tag

A. The rules are posted at the beginning.
B. Each Person answers questions about their sweethearts
C. At the End of the post, the person then tags people and posts their names; then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged.
Alright people here are the facts and details.

What is your husbands name? Brett Clyde Bunker

How long have you been married? 7 years

How long did you date? 10 months

How old is he? 31

Who eats more sweets? Always Me!! He would rather eat meat!

Who said I love you first? Brett, he wanted me from hello!

Who is taller? Brett

Who can sing the best? Brett ! I don't sing! Well that isn't true, the kids and I can jam to Hannah Montana.

Who is smarter? Depending on the situation, it is usally both.

Who does the laundry? I do it most of the time! If I am running a little slow he will jump in and help. Always making sure to shrink my clothes in the dryer. I hate that!

Who pays the bills? Both

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me

Who mows the lawn? I use the push mower, he does the ride-on.

Who cooks dinner? Me

Who drives? Brett, I make him nervous.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? On the rare occasion that it is me, I will. If it isn't we just wait a few days and he feels that it will blow over.
Who kissed who first? Were you suppose to kiss first?

Who asked who out first? Brett

Who wears the pants? Pants are so restrictive!!!

I tag Tana Nebiakker Knight

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oh "Honey"!!!!

Okay, so I remember now why I hated cows!!! Brett returned home today from hunting elk with my father. Upon his arrival he received a phone call that there was a cow in the canal. Yes, we could not miss a chance to be superheros! Wonder woman has nothing on me!!! Once we arrived we noticed that cow was not stuck,it was tightly embedded clear to the shoulders in the cement like mud! You know, something like what happens when you see a cow stuck in the mud! I let "Honey" know that everything was going to be OK and that we would get her out. YES, I named the cow. Brett kept answering I had to inform him I was talking to "Honey" the cow! After about 2 1/2 hours of mooooving her this way and that ( drum roll please!) we got her clear and free from that treacherous, dangerous crocodile infested water!! ( Okay, no crocodiles but it makes for a better story.) Yeah, with no help from "honey' she was free! I know you are all thinking what a happy ending to a story! All I can say is that the coyotes will be eating well tonight! But, "Honey" will live on in my heart forever! Oh, and if you were wondering YES as the shirt says I volunteered for this! FYI it wasn't even our cow!

Monday, September 8, 2008

First Days of School!!

It is official!! Brett and I are old! We sent our baby girls off to school this year. Kaysia to kindergarten and Keelie to preschool. Kaysia is loving it, her favorite is lunch. ( Does that mean that she has hated my food?) Keelie, well she is struggling. She says that she just sits there, and sits there and sits there. (After the first week or so of school Keelie came home and said she had a "boyfriend". That always made me want to go to class ,hope it will be the same for her!)