Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Just A Little!!

Well just a little has changed since my last post. Most notably, the fact that I am no longer pregnant! Our beautiful baby girl arrived on July 12th. We could not have ask for a better baby! She gave us a scare at first and had to be put on a breathing monitor. She no longer needs it and is doing great! For all of you that have anxiously been awaiting the announcement of the name ( who am I kidding, you gave up on me 5 months ago when I had no new posts.) it is Kylan Kate! Brett wanted to have a child named Ky and her middle name came after my favorite roommate from college! The other kids have been great with her! Kage has really supprised me, so tender with her and can not give her enough kisses.

The start of a new school year has been a hard one for me. It means that I started a new job at the middle school. It has been great so far. However, the kids are SOOOOO different then those at the high school! I have never been hugged so much!
Kaysia started 1st grade and is loving it! She doesn't have any girls in her class that she knows but I am confident that she will make friends fast!

Keelie started kindergarten. She isn't a huge fan of school. She would much rather be home with her new puppy. However, she loves the kids and has a fantastic teacher Mrs. Hare.

( Yes, Brett got them a new puppy. Have I mentioned that I HATE puppies!!!)

Kage started at a new place for daycare. After a few miniutes of crying he decided that he loves it. The lady tends he and Ky from her home and it great!
The hardest part is leaving Ky. I know that she is being taken good care of but I hope she is being loves like the others have when they went.
Well that will have to be all for now! Maybe I will post again soon!


Formerly Design, Ink said...

Your family is so cute! I can't beleive kaysia is that old. That makes me feel way too old myself. Email me at breezee04@hotmail.com and I'll add you to my blog.

Bandi Olsen said...

It's about freakin time Dana! I have been anxiously waiting for pics, she is gorgeous! Congrats on the new baby, the new job, and the new puppy!

Jessica said...

Yay!! I am so glad you posted and how stinking precious is that little girl. I hope your adjusting with school and new baby and everything else that we juggle in a day! I miss ya... I would love to see you one of these days. If you ever come this way please get with me! Congrats again on your new addition... BTW - I love the name!!!

Rogerson's said...

Love, LOVE the pics, we'll be over for the kids head-shots on Saturday :) Well maybe a little later than that, but seriously so cute. Post more... many many more:)

Scott and Siobhan said...

Hey sorry I did get to see you My kids were sick the pretty much the whole tome i was there. I am coming back up for Christmas and New Years. We have to get together maybe go out to lunch or something. By the way your kids are so cute I can't believe how fast time goes.